Turf Perfect® Grass Seed


Hundreds of grass seed varieties are available today, however, many of these are not suited for your climate or specific application. Turf Perfect® blends and mixtures include improved varieties designed specifically for your region and climate.

Each Turf Perfect® seed formulation is a result of worldwide scientific research, regional performance evaluations, and application-specific considerations. We design each formula to exceed your expectations.

Successful lawn construction requires seed that will grow in your soil. We've taken the guess-work out of seed selection, so you can be assured of a perfect lawn anywhere.

Most Popular Turf Perfect® Mixes and Blends

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Pleasure+® Perennial Ryegrass Blend

Each of the varieties in this mix has great turf quality, dark green color, and improved disease resistance. Ideal for overseeding thin lawns.

Pals® Blend

Price competitive two-way blend of two or more perennial ryegrass varieties.

Bluemaster® Kentucky Bluegrass Blend

A top quality combination of bluegrass varieties that provide great looking dark green turf. Better resistance to many diseases and summer stress.

Bluemaster Plus Mixture

Excellent for Northern areas. A broad genetic base gives improved disease resistance and year 'round color performance.

Overtime® Tall Fescue Blend

Improved turf-type tall fescues combined to create a top quality dense, dark-green lawn able to withstand heat and many diseases.

Overtime Plus Mixture

Same mix as Overtime with addition of Kentucky bluegrass to fill in bare spots and improve recuperative ability. Excellent for athletic fields.

Dot® Low Maintenance Mix

Ideal for low maintenance areas, slopes, roadsides and areas where little mowing is desired. Great for golf course roughs.

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